Social Media – Advantages and Disadvantages

Social Media is used by many people. Most of of us have accounts in Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. It helps us communicate, share, and collaborate. But, sometimes we abuse the use of social media. So how do we become responsible users of it? Here are some advantages, disadvantages, and personal commitments in order to be a responsible social media user.

Software, beware.

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As far as I can remember, pirated copies has been a norm here in the Philippines. Although illegal, many people sell, acquire, and use pirated copies of movies and software like Microsoft. People download and share in because it is easy, accessible, and not to mention cheap as in free. Oftentimes, we cannot really blame people because it is rampant and almost everyone avail of it. The reason is that it is the more practical option for most of us. And somehow we can say that the government is not very strict about this in our country.

To get into detail, software piracy in the Philippines is so common that even malls and other public areas, people openly sell it. According to, Software Piracy is the illegal copying, distribution, or use of software. Most of us must have experienced or have heard of this. I can’t deny that I myself have somehow used a downloadable (without product key) software. But it has it downsides because it is against the law.

Software companies are suffering because of this and it is unfair on their part. What they usually do is that they provide better security of their software to avoid illegal sharing and use. Government also take part in regulating laws governing piracy and copyright. Moreover, the government should provide awareness and information dissemination of the sanctions regarding Piracy. Software piracy is a violation of the copyright provisions of the IP code of the Philippines (RA 8293) and Optical Media Act (RA 9239) and carries with it penalties of up to nine years of imprisonment, a fine of up to P1.5 million, or both. ( Education is the key when it comes to this law. Because when people are aware they become sensitive and conscious with their actions. Therefore, by knowing people can be more responsible with the use of these software.

Power through Knowledge

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Sharing of information has its ups and downs. That is why it has to be regulated and moderated. People get information for their benefit and sometime it could lead to misuse. For this reason, knowledge management has grown in importance because it is a crucial factor in the efficiency in operations by making sure the correctness of detail in order to produce the best output. It is a tool for proper use, storage, and sharing of knowledge inside an organization.

The company I work for has constrictions when it comes to sharing of information since it is a financial institution. Data Privacy has also tightened because of laws. For this reason, we as employees are required to keep most of the information within the organization and confidential. Since banks are built by the trust of the clients, it is important for us to maintain that trust by being careful with the information being shared to us because misuse can lead to losses. Since I work in marketing and documentation of loans, it is necessary that we make every detail precise. This details are inputted in documents that will be notarized which is why errors can be a hassle because it needs amendment. Knowledge management is very important and beneficial in financial institutions because transactions should be done correctly and, as much as possible, without error.

Barriers in implementing Knowledge Management can also be based on the theory of Technology Acceptance such as lack of perceived usefulness, lack of perceived ease of use, perceived risk, and the like. Overall, it is a barrier to get the employees to accept and embrace it. And in order for them to do this is to make them understand by educating them of the benefits. Once they are aware, they can be more open to the change and the help that it can give.

“Knowledge is power but knowledge sharing is empowerment”

Knowledge is important in organizations because it helps no only the advancement of the company but of the employees too. This can help ease up the process and avoid errors. It empowers people because it helps them make informed decisions and be confident with the data they have.  This gives them the drive to do more because they know.

Pros and Cons of Online Shopping

E-commerce is now a trending shopping experience since the start of the digital age. It has also proved to be a necessity for some brands and companies when there were news about one clothing brand that failed because of its failure to adjust to the digital wants of their consumer but instead they focused on expanding their physical stores. For this reason, we now know that e-commerce is a tool for reaching to more consumers.

Consumer-wise, most people are glad that shopping-online is available. It saves them the time, money, and effort. Other people feel that it’s like giving yourself a gift because you get to open a package excitedly even though you know what’s inside. Although, we can note that receiving your package can give delight to most of us, this concept can also have its up and downs. Know my take on online shopping by watching my video.

The Fascinating World of the Internet of Things

Internet is one of the major driving force of the new era. It transformed the lives of many people may it be on the facet of information, communication, or daily activities in general. Now, it is like a necessity in everyone’s home. Wireless network technologies have also come into play and has made everything easier. Before, internet is done through gadgets only but now there is a concept called the internet of things.

The Internet of things makes use of daily objects that we use by making them in sync with our activities every day. It is a breakthrough since it aims to help many fields such as the medical, business, and even our house activities. I saw this video from TED talks which tackles this topic and it is a very interesting use of technology. It would be very beneficial to people since it does not only focus on gadgets like phones and laptops but also in the other objects that we usually use.

With this, the company I work can definitely take advantage of these technologies, I think most companies can especially service companies like the banks and other financial institutions. Since companies adjust to the changing needs of the market, it is now an advantage to be able to automate processes to make it easier and readily available for the customers. In the financial service industry, there is a growing trend of financial technology or fintech which the Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas encourages and supports. Banks are developing and upgrading mobile applications that cater transactions like fund transfer, payments, balance inquiry and more. These innovations has promoted digital and financial literacy since it also teaches people to keep track of their expenses. This is to say that Internet and wireless networks have opened so many opportunities that help our essential activities in our lives and it is continuing to evolve to be of better use to everyone.

“ISSP: A Business Edge”

In the 21st Century, almost every aspect of our day to day lives has a touch of technology. It’s becoming a necessity, like water and electricity. People demand for fast internet, latest gadgets, and other things for them to be called technologically savvy. The constantly want to upgrade and try on new things.

 In the business setting, companies have the challenge to adapt to the changing needs of the market. And what are the needs of the market? Like mentioned earlier, they want everything to be fast and reliable. Even more so, they want to try out new technology and innovations that leave them in awe. Take for example, the market of phones. People are always on the lookout for new advancements that could suit their needs and preferences which is why phone companies always invest on their research and development to get ahead of their competitors. Additionally, word travels fast in the internet, people can post information about something they like or dislike instantly. This can influence people and can affect businesses involved which is why companies are careful regarding the experiences they give to their customers because opinions matter, especially in the digital age.

Information Systems is a tool for companies to improve their processes which in turn improve their products and services in order to give value to their customer’s needs and wants. In order to convince top management, is to remind them of the purpose of the company and how the ISSP will be a way for them to better serve their purpose. Technology should be a guiding hand for us humans if used properly. If everything aligns, this tool can contribute significantly in the value of the organization by giving ease not only to its clientele but also to the people within the company.

Molo, Iloilo City Foodtrip!

Let’s explore the amazing food finds in the city of Love, Iloilo, starting with the food trip destination, Molo! Fishball, siomai, lumpia, japanese cake, gulaman, and many more are waiting for you to taste.

As a foodie, I love street food and I am always interested to try new finds in the street. Molo, is one of my go-to places when it comes to affordable and delicious food.

This part of the city is special to me since my college buds and I usually come in this area to study, chill, and just eat our hearts out after exams of during vacant hours. The food is student friendly and very yummy. There are more food finds that I haven’t mentioned in the video and maybe I should also document them next time.

Let’s explore the amazing food finds in the city of Love starting with Molo!

Life made easy with IT!


The world has been rapidly changing and innovating with the help of technology. Personal computers, laptops, smartphones, and even smart watches have been in the norm for years now and it is still evolving in many ways. The goal of these inventions is to make our lives easy and to make information and communication accessible to its users.

As I was growing up, I saw the evolution of gadgets. My siblings and I used to fight to have our turns in front of the computer.  IT has also helped me in school. Getting through reports, assignments, and other tasks were done with the help of my trusty computer and stable internet connection. After graduation, as I was looking for a job I also used the internet as a tool to help me and it did. My final interview was even done via skype call.

IT has also helped in the medical field since digitalized results of lab tests such as mammography and x-ray is now easier, more accurate and it doesn’t need film. When I had my pre-employment medical test, results were faster because of digitalization.

In the workplace, it has helped us in retrieving information of different clients in a timely manner. Before, we had to find the file of clients manually and look for the folders from a storage drawer. It would take us a lot of time. Also, the bank has recently upgraded the system by making approvals from the higher-ups within the system. Before, we would print, sign, scan, send, and a staff in the head office would print the document let the boss sign and sent it back to us. It was long process and it is costly because we need to print the document. Now, we just do it in the system without the need to print it.

IT has definitely made our lives easier and gave us a different perspective in life as we were made aware of a lot of things because of the easy sharing of information. When used responsibly, it creates good outcomes and it helps users in many ways.

A little bit about me

Im Natasha. Im 23. Currently, I’m studying post-grad at UPV. Studying Business Management.

Here are some of the things about me if you want to know more.

  • I work as a banker.
  • I have three dogs – Mojie, Bran, and Chippy.
  • I have four siblings – Mari, Amor, Tricia, and NJ
  • People often regard me as shy, timid, and quiet. But actually Im very talkative, it’s just that Im soft-spoken (Ilongga ko ya, char)
  • I think Kaizen is essential that is why I continuously improve myself

That’s it for now. I know you get to know me more as I continue writing and sharing in this blog. I hope I get to diligently update this blog since I was planning to do so way back. I hope to also improve my writing skills as well as document memorable moments in my life.